Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pizza from Uno's in South Portland

Deep Dish Numero Uno (sausage, pepperoni, onions, peppers, mushrooms and chunky tomato sauce) and Deep Dish Chef's Choice (chicken, mushrooms, onions and chunky tomato sauce) from Pizzeria Uno's in South Portland. $21

Numero Uno on top, Chef's Choice on the bottom

Bern's Take: 2 stars...Numero Uno-too damn salty! Bwomp, bwomp.

3.5 stars...Deep Dish Chef's Choice- thick cheese, big pieces of chicken, onions, mushrooms, and I love the tomato sauce. 

Casey's Take: 3 stars out of 5 mutha-effin stars for both pizzas. The highlight is the chunky tomato sauce, but the rest is pretty generic. The chicken pizza gets a slight nod for being better than the Numero Uno, but both weren't anything to, errrr, write about. I didn't eat the crust because it was flavorless.

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